Pontyak RSI Calculator
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Pontyak RSI Calculator
Included Procedures:
Appendix B and C, MNECB 1997: No-Thermal-Bridging Case, and thermal bridging with wood-Framing and Metal-Framing Cases
One-dimensional Assembly U-Factor calculation (ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals): No-Thermal-Bridging Case
Two-dimensional Assembly U-Factor calculation, Parallel Path Method (ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals): Thermal-Bridging Wood-Framing Case
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Company Name
Date : 2025-02-21
Component Description
Component Name
Building Component
Select Building Component
Component Type
Select building component first.
Framing Description
Framing Type
Select Framing Type
No Framing
Steel Framing
Wood Framing
Assembly type
Select Assembly Type
All Assemblies, No Framing
Ceiling, Steel, <500 mm OC
Ceiling, Steel, >=500 mm OC
Ceiling, Wood, <500 mm OC
Ceiling, Wood, >=500 mm OC
Floor, Steel, <500 mm OC
Floor, Steel, >=500 mm OC
Floor, Wood, <500 mm OC
Floor, Wood, >=500 mm OC
Roof, Steel, <500 mm OC
Roof, Steel, >=500 mm OC
Roof, Wood, <500 mm OC
Roof, Wood, >=500 mm OC
Wall, Above-grade, Steel, <500 mm OC
Wall, Above-grade, steel, >=500 mm OC
Wall, Above-grade, wood, <500 mm OC
Wall, Above-grade, wood, >= 500 mm OC
Wall, Below-grade, steel, >=500 mm OC
Wall, Below-grade, Steel, <500 mm OC
Wall, Below-grade, wood, <500 mm OC
Wall, Below-grade, wood, >=500 mm OC
Wall, Double, Above-grade, Wood, <500 mm OC
Wall, Double, Above-grade, Wood, >=500 mm OC
Wall, Sheet-steel, steel, <2100 mm OC
Wall, Sheet-steel, steel, >=2100 mm OC
Wall, Wood, ASHRAE Parallel Path, 400 mm OC
Wall, Wood, ASHRAE Parallel Path, 600 mm OC
Framing Percentage
Steel Framing Coefficient
Select Steel Framing Coefficient Name
<1200 mm OC Sheet-Steel Wall
<500 mm OC Steel w/ Sheathing
<500 mm OC Steel w/o Sheathing
>=1200 mm OC Sheet-Steel Wall
>=500 mm OC
Coeff K1
Coeff K2
Assembly Construction layers
Outside Surface
Inside Surface
(kg/cu m)
Specific Heat
Layer Type
Select Outside Surface Material
Acoustic Tile (D)
Aggregate, Sand, Gravel, Stone (A)
Air Space, Floor, 13mm, Non-reflective Surface (M)
Air Space, Wall, >=20mm, Non-reflective Surface (M)
Asbestos-Cement Board
Asphalt, Roofing (T, E)
Brick Face
Brick, Aerated (S)
Brick, Common
Carpet, Polyisocyanurate Board (A)
Carpet, Polystyrene, Expanded (EPS) (S)
Carpet, Polystyrene, Extruded (XPS) (S)
Carpet, Polyurethane Board, Cellular (A)
Carpet, Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Expanded (E)
Cement Mortar
Cement/Lime, Mortar, Stucco
Ceramic, Glazed (T)
Clay Tile, Hollow 1 Cell
Clay Tile, Hollow 2 Cell
Concrete Tiles (E)
Concrete, 480 kg/cu. m
Concrete, 640 kg/cu.m
Concrete, Block, HW (D)
Concrete, Block, HW Hollow (D)
Concrete, Block, HW Partially Filled (D)
Concrete, Block, LW Hollow (D)
Concrete, Block, LW Partially Filled (D)
Concrete, Block, MW Hollow (D)
Concrete, Block, MW Partially Filled (D)
Concrete, Cast, LW Dry (T)
Concrete, Cast, MW Dry (T)
Cork, Slab (S)
Felt, Bitumen/felt Layers (C)
Fibre Board, Intermediate Density
Fibre Board, Regular Density, Sheathing
Flooring, Carpet
Flooring, Ceramic Tile
Flooring, Hardwood Finish
Flooring, Terrazzo
Gas, Air
Glass Fibre, Board, Organic-bonded (A)
Glass, Architectural
Glass, Foam
Glass, Pyrex
Grass, Straw Board (I)
Grass, Straw Fibreboard or Slab (S)
Gypsum (E)
Gypsum Board or Plaster
Gypsum Board Sheathing
Hard Board (A)
Hard Board, High Density
Insulation, Accoustic Tile, Interior Finish
Insulation, Aluminum Foil, Glass Paper Laminate
Insulation, Batt
Insulation, Blown Fibre
Insulation, EIFS (Polystyrene XPS)
Insulation, Expanded Rubber
Insulation, Foam, Phenal, Rigid (S)
Insulation, Glass Fibre, Slab (C)
Insulation, Glass Fibre, Spray Applied
Insulation, Glass, Granular Cellular (T)
Insulation, Loose Fill, Cellulose (A)
Insulation, Loose Fill, Glass Fibre, Poured/Blown
Insulation, Loose Fill, Gravel (E)
Insulation, Loose Fill, Roof Gravel or Slag
Insulation, Mineral Fibre Board, Preformed (D)
Insulation, Mineral Fibre w/ Resin Binder
Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Blanket, Bonded (A)
Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Loose Fill
Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Slag, Pipe Insul (A)
Insulation, Mineral Wool, Batts
Insulation, Phenolic, Cellular, Open Cell
Insulation, Polyisocyanurate, Cellular
Insulation, Polyisocyanurate, Foam (S)
Insulation, Polystyrene (XPS)
Insulation, Polystyrene, Expanded (EPS)
Insulation, Polystyrene, Extruded (XPS)
Insulation, Polystyrene, Molded Beads
Insulation, Polyurethane, Cellular
Insulation, Polyurethane, Expanded (D)
Insulation, polyurethane, Foam
Insulation, Rigid
Insulation, Rigid, Polystyrene
Insulation, Rockwool (Eu)
Insulation, Roof Board
Insulation, Roofing, Mineral Fibreboard
Insulation, Roxul Semi Rigid
Insulation, Sheathing Paper
Insulation, Stone Chippings, Roofs (C)
Insulation, Thermal Clips
Insulation, Type IV XPS Board
Masonry, Quary Stones, Calcareous, Dry (T)
Masonry, Ballast, Chips, or Paving Slabs
Masonry, Block, LW (T)
Masonry, Block, MW, Dry (T)
Masonry, Brick, Exposed
Masonry, Concrete Block, Dense, Exposed
Masonry, Concrete Block, Dense, Protected
Masonry, Concrete Block, LW Aggregate
Masonry, Concrete Block, LW Dry (T)
Masonry, Concrete Block, MW Dry (T)
Masonry, Concrete, 960 kg/cu. m
Masonry, Concrete, Cast
Masonry, HW, Dry (T)
Masonry, Sandstone
Masonry, Screed
Membrane, Air and Vapour Barrier
Membrane, EPDM Roof (Open Cell)
Membrane, SBS (Bitumen), Roof
Membrane, Vapour Barrier (6 mil)
Membrane, Vapour Permeable Felt
Membrane, Vapour Seal, 2 Layers Mopped
Membrane, Vapour Seal, Plastic Film
Metal, Aluminum (T)
Metal, Aluminum Cladding (D)
Metal, Aluminum Coated Paper, Polished
Metal, Panel w/ Sheathing
Metal, Steel (1)
Metal, Steel Stud
Mineral Filler for Concrete (S)
Mortar, Limestone (T)
Mud, Phuska (I)
Paper, Laminated (A)
Particle Board, HD (A)
Particle Board, LD
Particle Board, MD
Plaster, Cement Screed (E)
Plaster, Cement-sand aggregate (A)
Plaster, Dense
Plaster, Gypsum (S)
Plaster, Gypsum, Perlite Aggregate (A)
Plaster, Gypsum, Sand Aggregate (A)
Plaster, LW
Plaster, Plasterboard (C)
Plasterboard, Standard
Plastic Tiles (E)
Plywood (A)
Plywood, Boards
Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Tiles (T)
Roofing, 4-ply Built-up (Tar and Gravel)
Roofing, Asphalt Roll
Roofing, Asphalt Shingles
Roofing, Built-up (D)
Roofing, Builtup (D)
Roofing, Felt (E)
Roofing, Sheet Metal
Roofing, Wood Shingles
Rubber, Expanded Board, Rigid (G)
Rubber, Tiles (E)
Sawdust (I)
Sheathing, OSB
Sheathing, Plywood
Siding, Alum or Steel, w/ Insulation Board
Siding, Alum or Steel, w/ Sheathing
Siding, Asphalt Insulating, 13 mm
Siding, Hardboard, 11 mm
Siding, Hardie Fibre-Cement
Siding, Metal or Vinyl, Over Sheathing, Hollow backed
Siding, Wood Shingles
Soft Boards (I)
Soil, Earth, Common (E)
Soil, Earth, Gravel-based (E)
Stone, Granite (T)
Stone, Limestone (S)
Stone, Marble (T)
Stone, Sandstone ( E)
Stone, Sandstone (T)
Stone, Slate (D)
Stucco, cement
Studding, Timber
Studs, Timber
Surface Film, External, All Surfaces
Surface Film, Internal, Ground Floor
Surface Film, Internal, Horizontal/vertical
Surface Film, Internal, Pitched
Surface Film, None, All Surfaces
Tiles, Ceramic (T)
Tiles, Ceramic, Floor (T)
Tiles, Clay (E)
Weatherboard (E)
Wood, Hardwood, Ash
Wood, Hardwood, Unspecified (S)
Wood, Particle Panels (T)
Wood, Shingle (D)
Wood, Softwood (California Redwood)
Wood, Softwood (D)
Wood, Softwood, Cedars
Wood, Softwood, Southern Cypress
Wood, Timber, Flooring (C)
Select Layer
Outside surface resistance
Select Inside Surface Material
Acoustic Tile (D)
Aggregate, Sand, Gravel, Stone (A)
Air Space, Floor, 13mm, Non-reflective Surface (M)
Air Space, Wall, >=20mm, Non-reflective Surface (M)
Asbestos-Cement Board
Asphalt, Roofing (T, E)
Brick Face
Brick, Aerated (S)
Brick, Common
Carpet, Polyisocyanurate Board (A)
Carpet, Polystyrene, Expanded (EPS) (S)
Carpet, Polystyrene, Extruded (XPS) (S)
Carpet, Polyurethane Board, Cellular (A)
Carpet, Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Expanded (E)
Cement Mortar
Cement/Lime, Mortar, Stucco
Ceramic, Glazed (T)
Clay Tile, Hollow 1 Cell
Clay Tile, Hollow 2 Cell
Concrete Tiles (E)
Concrete, 480 kg/cu. m
Concrete, 640 kg/cu.m
Concrete, Block, HW (D)
Concrete, Block, HW Hollow (D)
Concrete, Block, HW Partially Filled (D)
Concrete, Block, LW Hollow (D)
Concrete, Block, LW Partially Filled (D)
Concrete, Block, MW Hollow (D)
Concrete, Block, MW Partially Filled (D)
Concrete, Cast, LW Dry (T)
Concrete, Cast, MW Dry (T)
Cork, Slab (S)
Felt, Bitumen/felt Layers (C)
Fibre Board, Intermediate Density
Fibre Board, Regular Density, Sheathing
Flooring, Carpet
Flooring, Ceramic Tile
Flooring, Hardwood Finish
Flooring, Terrazzo
Gas, Air
Glass Fibre, Board, Organic-bonded (A)
Glass, Architectural
Glass, Foam
Glass, Pyrex
Grass, Straw Board (I)
Grass, Straw Fibreboard or Slab (S)
Gypsum (E)
Gypsum Board or Plaster
Gypsum Board Sheathing
Hard Board (A)
Hard Board, High Density
Insulation, Accoustic Tile, Interior Finish
Insulation, Aluminum Foil, Glass Paper Laminate
Insulation, Batt
Insulation, Blown Fibre
Insulation, EIFS (Polystyrene XPS)
Insulation, Expanded Rubber
Insulation, Foam, Phenal, Rigid (S)
Insulation, Glass Fibre, Slab (C)
Insulation, Glass Fibre, Spray Applied
Insulation, Glass, Granular Cellular (T)
Insulation, Loose Fill, Cellulose (A)
Insulation, Loose Fill, Glass Fibre, Poured/Blown
Insulation, Loose Fill, Gravel (E)
Insulation, Loose Fill, Roof Gravel or Slag
Insulation, Mineral Fibre Board, Preformed (D)
Insulation, Mineral Fibre w/ Resin Binder
Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Blanket, Bonded (A)
Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Loose Fill
Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Slag, Pipe Insul (A)
Insulation, Mineral Wool, Batts
Insulation, Phenolic, Cellular, Open Cell
Insulation, Polyisocyanurate, Cellular
Insulation, Polyisocyanurate, Foam (S)
Insulation, Polystyrene (XPS)
Insulation, Polystyrene, Expanded (EPS)
Insulation, Polystyrene, Extruded (XPS)
Insulation, Polystyrene, Molded Beads
Insulation, Polyurethane, Cellular
Insulation, Polyurethane, Expanded (D)
Insulation, polyurethane, Foam
Insulation, Rigid
Insulation, Rigid, Polystyrene
Insulation, Rockwool (Eu)
Insulation, Roof Board
Insulation, Roofing, Mineral Fibreboard
Insulation, Roxul Semi Rigid
Insulation, Sheathing Paper
Insulation, Stone Chippings, Roofs (C)
Insulation, Thermal Clips
Insulation, Type IV XPS Board
Masonry, Quary Stones, Calcareous, Dry (T)
Masonry, Ballast, Chips, or Paving Slabs
Masonry, Block, LW (T)
Masonry, Block, MW, Dry (T)
Masonry, Brick, Exposed
Masonry, Concrete Block, Dense, Exposed
Masonry, Concrete Block, Dense, Protected
Masonry, Concrete Block, LW Aggregate
Masonry, Concrete Block, LW Dry (T)
Masonry, Concrete Block, MW Dry (T)
Masonry, Concrete, 960 kg/cu. m
Masonry, Concrete, Cast
Masonry, HW, Dry (T)
Masonry, Sandstone
Masonry, Screed
Membrane, Air and Vapour Barrier
Membrane, EPDM Roof (Open Cell)
Membrane, SBS (Bitumen), Roof
Membrane, Vapour Barrier (6 mil)
Membrane, Vapour Permeable Felt
Membrane, Vapour Seal, 2 Layers Mopped
Membrane, Vapour Seal, Plastic Film
Metal, Aluminum (T)
Metal, Aluminum Cladding (D)
Metal, Aluminum Coated Paper, Polished
Metal, Panel w/ Sheathing
Metal, Steel (1)
Metal, Steel Stud
Mineral Filler for Concrete (S)
Mortar, Limestone (T)
Mud, Phuska (I)
Paper, Laminated (A)
Particle Board, HD (A)
Particle Board, LD
Particle Board, MD
Plaster, Cement Screed (E)
Plaster, Cement-sand aggregate (A)
Plaster, Dense
Plaster, Gypsum (S)
Plaster, Gypsum, Perlite Aggregate (A)
Plaster, Gypsum, Sand Aggregate (A)
Plaster, LW
Plaster, Plasterboard (C)
Plasterboard, Standard
Plastic Tiles (E)
Plywood (A)
Plywood, Boards
Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Tiles (T)
Roofing, 4-ply Built-up (Tar and Gravel)
Roofing, Asphalt Roll
Roofing, Asphalt Shingles
Roofing, Built-up (D)
Roofing, Builtup (D)
Roofing, Felt (E)
Roofing, Sheet Metal
Roofing, Wood Shingles
Rubber, Expanded Board, Rigid (G)
Rubber, Tiles (E)
Sawdust (I)
Sheathing, OSB
Sheathing, Plywood
Siding, Alum or Steel, w/ Insulation Board
Siding, Alum or Steel, w/ Sheathing
Siding, Asphalt Insulating, 13 mm
Siding, Hardboard, 11 mm
Siding, Hardie Fibre-Cement
Siding, Metal or Vinyl, Over Sheathing, Hollow backed
Siding, Wood Shingles
Soft Boards (I)
Soil, Earth, Common (E)
Soil, Earth, Gravel-based (E)
Stone, Granite (T)
Stone, Limestone (S)
Stone, Marble (T)
Stone, Sandstone ( E)
Stone, Sandstone (T)
Stone, Slate (D)
Stucco, cement
Studding, Timber
Studs, Timber
Surface Film, External, All Surfaces
Surface Film, Internal, Ground Floor
Surface Film, Internal, Horizontal/vertical
Surface Film, Internal, Pitched
Surface Film, None, All Surfaces
Tiles, Ceramic (T)
Tiles, Ceramic, Floor (T)
Tiles, Clay (E)
Weatherboard (E)
Wood, Hardwood, Ash
Wood, Hardwood, Unspecified (S)
Wood, Particle Panels (T)
Wood, Shingle (D)
Wood, Softwood (California Redwood)
Wood, Softwood (D)
Wood, Softwood, Cedars
Wood, Softwood, Southern Cypress
Wood, Timber, Flooring (C)
Select Layer
Inside Surface Resistance